Field Trip Bookings
For additional field trip information and to book, please go to:
Alternatively, please contact the official tour agent:
Quadrant Australia (Travel Licence No: )
N.B. Air costs are indicative only, and final price will depend on availability at time of booking confirmation
Pre Trip:
4 days - Tuesday 31 July
Starts: Whyalla, South Australia (Participants will need to arrange their own transport to arrive in Whyalla either the night before the excursion (Monday 30th July) or to arrive on the first morning flight from Adelaide on Tuesday 31st July (arrives at 7.40 am). The excursion will commence on Tuesday morning.)
Finishes: Port Lincoln, South Australia (Participants can then fly back to Adelaide on an evening flight on Friday 3rd August, or the following morning.)
Numbers limited to 16 (participants should book refundable arrangements until minimum numbers have been confirmed)
$950 (contact field trip leaders to discuss possible alternatives)
Trip description:
Travel across the beautiful Yorke and Eyre Peninsulas of South Australia where early Mesoproterozoic mineralisation in the eastern Gawler Craton encompasses an IOCG–U province and a Au-dominated province. Investigate lithological, structural, metamorphic and metallogenic features covering a c. 1600 million year history of the Gawler Craton.
For further details and to register for this field trip please visit
- c. 3150 Magneissic basement to the Gawler Craton, the oldest exposed rocks in Australia outside the Western Australia
- Spectacular coastal exposures of a classic transpressional orogen, the c. 1730-1700 Ma Kimban Orogen, which dominates the structural and metamorphic architecture of the region.
Trip Leader/s:
Professor Martin Hand, The University of Adelaide and Dr Anthony Reid, Geological Survey of South Australia
Pre Trip:
6 days 5 nights - Monday 30 July to Saturday 4 August 2012
Starts: Adelaide
Finishes: Adelaide
Numbers limited to 18
Land: $2225 per person share twin/double
Single supplement: $645
Trip description:
Travel to the Flinders Ranges where the spectacular Mount Painter Inlier is host to some of the oldest rocks in Australia and some of the earliest signs of life. Visit a range of interesting planetary/geology sites such as: Pichie Richie Gorge, Bunyeroo Gorge, the Brachina Gorge, Paralana radioactive hot springs, stromatolite occurrences, the Mt Gee fossil hydrothermal system, Mt Fitton talc occurrence, stony deserts and sand dunes.
Spectacular Flinders Ranges, Mount Painter topography, stony deserts, sand dunes, springs and gorges
Trip Leader/s:
Ms Matilda Thomas and Dr Jonathan Clarke, Geoscience Australia with Professor Malcolm Walter FAA University of New South Wales, and/or Professor Vic Gostin, The University of Adelaide
Special notes:
Specific joining instructions apply to this field trip and will be provided upon receipt and confirmation of trip booking
Post Trip: |
3 days 2 nights - 10am Monday 13 August to 5pm Wednesday 15 August 2012
Starts: Adelaide Airport, General Aviation Terminal - AirSouth Finishes: Adelaide Airport, General Aviation Terminal - AirSouth
Numbers limited to 16 (participants should book refundable arrangements to Adelaide until minimum numbers have been confirmed)
Trip description:
Travel by private charter flight to visit remote mine sites including Olympic Dam, the world’s largest ore body. The trip will be a transect through the ages of a uranium-rich mineral system originating in the earliest Mesoproterozoic of South Australia and will examine various uranium-mineralised areas in the context of Mineral Systems, and the relationship between each type. See various brecciahosted, iron oxide-copper-gold and sediment hosted systems in a sequence from older to younger to illustrate (re)mobilisation of metal. The importance of structural controls, even on younger systems, will be demonstrated.
Departure and arrival time from and to Adelaide will be designed to meet early morning flights from, and evening flights to Brisbane (participants responsibility). Early arrival and late departure accommodation in Adelaide, and evening meals on the trips are participants responsibility.
For further details and to register for this field trip please visit http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/minerals
Olympic Dam, Beverley Uranium Mine, Mount Painter (northern Flinders Ranges)
Trip Leaders: |
Dr Martin Fairclough, Tania Wilson and Mr Steve Hore, Geological Survey of South Australia
Post Trip: |
8 days 7 nights - Saturday 11 August to Saturday 18 August 2012
Starts: Adelaide
Finishes: Adelaide
Numbers limited to 16
Land: $3715 person share twin/double
Single supplement: $835
Air: $290
Trip description: |
Examine the oldest preserved multicellular organisms in the Ediacaran of the Flinders Ranges, as well as some of the spectacular Cambrian biodiversity of South Australia. Visit the fossiliferous carbonate successions at Ajax Mine and Mt Scott Range, plus a visit to the lower Cambrian Emu Bay Shale Lagerstätte on Kangaroo Island, which preserves a diverse marine biota including soft-bodied animals.
Highlights: |
Spectacular scenery, wildlife and geology, Kangaroo Island
Trip Leaders:
Dr Jim Gehling, South Australian Museum and Adjunct Associate Professor Jim Jago, University of South Australia
Special notes:
Specific joining instructions apply to this field trip and will be provided upon receipt and confirmation of trip booking.